Some studies show that it is a direct reaction to our parents' generation, where women have to work twice as hard to leave their domestic roles and men feel entitled to power and titles. For most women (not all), we want to become more than just a mother. This does not mean we think the role of housewife is demeaning. We just deserve something more, which engages our minds and gets us paid. We are the ones on college campuses, working and climbing up. On college campuses (and even earlier in the primary and secondary school systems) men generally feel turned off from academics and rely more on social skills. For most men, they downplay the importance of education and hope that their charisma and a firm handshake will close the deal. (Read more at:
Ivy League schools that admit students based on "gender-blind" standards have seen an overwhelming number of women accepted compared to their male counterparts. But colleges want balance in order to create a more diverse campus. I say no to any sort of affirmative action for men. Go work for what you deserve.
Now the other issue with the academic imbalance between men and women is in the arena of dating. Since we are seeing an explosion of women in the academic arena, men are becoming scarce. According to mating rules, the gender of less supply maintains the upperhand. On engineering campuses, male students have a small selection of females so the women call the shots. A growing fear is that women will begin to date men with less education (aka "settle") since we won't have much to choose from. When the time comes, do we stay single or just settle for the peacock with brighter feathers and a bird brain? Stay single, ladies. If you can handle 3 jobs and school at once, you can raise a baby on your own. Chances are, you'll be doing it on your own anyways- despite his "help."
First of all, where do you find these pics? Haha. Secondly, I agree. Men need to stop watching TV and drooling over Palin. Gosh!!
This also now carries over to the professional working world. In D.C. women outnumber men (I'm making this figure up- but I think it's close) 2 to 1!
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